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    I started to making this project when it is occurred on my mind along with prof. Alaa Elturkey in a discussion about translation field.So, I make some arrangements at home to brighten up the idea .I wrote a research entitled

    The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program using Realia To Develop The Skills of Fine arts Translation for Translators

    Then I introduced it to more than one university outside Egypt.

    The project was accepted and welcomed by more than one university but the problem was the supervision capacity of universities. At the end , it is accepted in CANADA.

    And we got our certificate.


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    Our FINE ARTS TRANSLATION PROGRAM consists of seven types of Arts. All translators are encouraged to add more using wikipedia to use different languages by just clicking on the button of the language .


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    The translators who were taught by self learning method through the remedial training program which was seen t by distance learning method

    had a great success in improving their Fine Arts translation skills

    It can be concluded that the distance learning techniques are useful as a good start to master the educational translation skills for translators

    The distance learning strategies proved to be more productive in teaching and developing fine arts translation skills.



    On the basis of the results of this study, the researcher recommends the following


    As the present suggested program helped improve translators' fine arts translation skills. It is recommended to use such programs to help improving

    translator's skills in other fields

    The trainer should be aware of the results rules of using authentic

    material method or photos.

    paying more attention to fine arts translation skills

    The experiment can be applied to any pair of languages

  • Research Rights:

    ©All rights reserved

    This part of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognize that its copyright

    rests with the author Mrs.Hanaa Abbas and that no quotation from the thesis, nor any information derived here from, may be published without the

    author’s prior consent

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